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Dave Maccini

Auction And Annual Meeting

Updated: Dec 27, 2023

Friends of Little Spokane River Valley held our annual meeting, auction, and dinner on February 17th at Wandermere Golf Course for the first time since 2020. We had 76 attendees and enjoyed a delicious Italian dinner catered by Ferraro’s Italian restaurant. Ben Peterson from Spokane Conservation District gave an excellent presentation on the Firewise Program.

There were numerous fun silent auction items leading to spirited bidding! We raised $2000 to further our ongoing mission. Our president, Martha Schaefer, served as Master of Ceremonies and conducted a wonderful evening. Longtime board member, Tina Wynecoop, recently resigned from our board of directors and will move to emeritus status. We welcome Ty Brown to our board. Since we had not had an election in 3 years, all nine board members were elected by unanimous vote! We look forward to next year’s February meeting.

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