by Kirk Neumann
This September, approximately 640 kindergarten through 6th grade students returned to a newly transformed Midway Elementary School.
As part of the Mead School District’s construction bond which passed in 2015, Midway has undergone a $16.75 million remodel. The school has been nearly totally upgraded from floor to ceiling with several new classrooms being added. Money saving features have been incorporated into the new design such as LED lights with occupancy sensors which turn the lights off when no one is in the room. The carpet has been replaced with tile in the halls, and the sinks have been moved outside the bathrooms.
These changes are designed to cut maintenance and cleaning costs. The gym has been totally remodeled, complete with a new wood floor and a large door that connects it to the cafeteria. This allows for a larger audience during the school’s very popular Christmas programs.
One of the major challenges during the 15 month project was to perform much of the work while students were still attending classes. This was achieved by rotating classes around and having 8 classrooms in portable buildings behind the school. Now that all the dust and noise are gone, students will be able to enjoy a newly remodeled school for years to come.
